Mini Sausage Stuffed Pretzel Bites

The Super Bowl is drawing close, not that I’m a football fan. Infact, till last year I knew squat about the sport, being Indian and all. To me football always ment soccer, much to the disappointment of my husband. You see, he’s a big fan of the sport. When I told him I had never watched a game , he reacted as though I said I was an Alien or something. Anyway, he sat me down and tried to explain terms like “the line of scrimmage”, “touchdowns”, “extra points” and why four 15 minute quarters last 3 hours,  as I sat there getting more confused by the minute. Point is that I still don’t quite get the sport but when he mentioned game day tradition is to snack on finger foods all day it sparked my interest. Football I might not understand…but snacks I can do!
So every sunday while my husband plants his behind infront of the TV watching football, I try my hand at making some sports worthy snacks. Since the super bowl is coming up, whether you’re having a ton of friends over or it’s just your family, you’ve got to have a ton of snacks to last you the whole day. As my husband put it, there are 3 big eating days in America- Thanksgiving, 4th of July and the Super Bowl. So I thought I’d share some game day snack recipes that aren’t your usual chips and dip for either the Super Bowl, a sports meet, tailgating, kids sporting event…whatever the occasion.
So to start you off I had to do a soft pretzel recipe, since my husband loves them. But to spruce them up a little, I decided to stuff them with mini cocktail sausages otherwise known as Little smokies. I used Lit’l Cheddar Smokies, but you can use any kind you like or even stuff the pretzel with peppperoni and cheese or ham and cheese, or chicken….anything you want. Here’s how to make them…

Little Smokie Stuffed Pretzel Bites Recipe

For the Soft Pretzel-
2 1/2 tsp active dry yeast
2 tbsp light brown sugar
1 1/2 cup warm water (80F-110F)
6 tablespoons butter (melted)
4 1/2-5 Cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoon salt
A Pack of Little smokie sausages
5 quartz water for boiling
1/2 cup baking soda
1 Egg beaten with a tbsp cold water (for egg wash)
Kosher salt (for sprinkling)
For the Honey Mustard Diping Sauce:
1/2 cup mayonnaise
3 tbsp honey
1 tbsp Dijon Mustard
1 tbsp Yellow Mustard
1 tbsp lemon juice
Pinch of Salt to taste
– In the bowl of a stand up mixer add the yeast, light brown sugar and warm water together and let it sit for 10 mins.
– Once the yeast mix is bubbly, pour in the melted butter.
– In a separate bowl, add salt to 4 1/2 cups of all purpose flour and mix.
– Add all the flour to the yeast mixture and with the dough hook attachment, turn the mixer to medium speed until a smooth and elastic ball forms (about 5-6 minutes). If the dough seems too sticky, add a tablespoon of flour at a time until the dough comes together.
– Place the dough in a well oiled bowl and turn it over to coat the dough in oil. Cover with cling film and a cloth and leave the dought o rise for a couple hours (atleast 1 1/2 hour)
– Once the dough has risen, turn it out onto a lighly floured surface and divide it into 4 quarters
– Roll each piece into a long rope around an inch thick and cut the rope into 2 inch pieces.
– Roll out each piece with a rolling pin.
– Place the little smokie sausage in middle. Roll the dough around it and pinch the ends shut. Do this with as many stuffed pretzels as you want, you can also keep some plain by cutting them into smaller pieces and follow the next step.
– Pre-heat the oven to 425F. While that’s preheating, bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the water and lower to a simmer. (Tip- Don’t fill the water right to the top cos it will spill over when you add the baking soda).
– Carefully boil the pretzel bites in batches. Drop them in the water and once they rise to the surface on their own, remove them using a slotted spoon and place them on a papper towel to dry.
– Place the pretzels on well sprayed baking sheet. Brush the tops of each pretzel with the egg wash and sprinkle with kosher or coarse salt.
– Pop them in the oven for 12-14 minutes until golden brown and beautiful.
– For the honey mustard dipping sauce…simply mix together the mayonnaise, honey, both mustards, lemon juice and salt.
– Serve the Pretzels warm with the honey mustard dipping sauce
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