Mini Bacon Burger Bites

As part of my GameDay Snack series of recipes, I wanted to do some form of a mini burger. Since, sliders are too common I needed another approach to making the mini burgers, which is when I saw someone’s board on pinterest that had all kinds of food on a stick…and I thought why not!
It’s a cool way of serving a definite crowd pleaser- mini burgers, as a sophisticated, yet fun party appetizer. Stand up a bunch of these burgers on skewers in a glass/ vase, or use a head of lettuce as a stand for them and it doubles up as a table center piece too!
I’m sure to be making these again for our Super Bowl Snacks this year… won’t you?
**NOTE: This post is more of a recipe idea, so I haven’t given exact measurements. Season your burger patties with your favorite seasoning and add whatever toppings/ condiments you like on a burger to the skewer. The variations are endless.I stuck to a simple bacon cheese burger, but you can get fancy and do a swiss  cheese & mushroom burger, add a pickle, jalapeno or whatever rocks your boat!**

Mini Bacon Burger Bites

1 lb Ground Beef
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Onion Salt
1 1/2 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
3-4 Flat Bread (I used Store bought Naan)
Bacon strips
Slice cheese
cherry/ grape tomatoes
BBQ Sauce/ Ketchup
– Start by cutting little round pieces of the flat bread using the top of a salt shaker or something around that size. You’ll need 2 per Bacon burger stick…so cut out as many as you’d like to make.
– Next cut the lettuce into squares about the same size as the bread you just cut. Do the same for the cheese.
– Cut the cherry (or Grape) tomatoes into halves.
– Next step…fry the bacon slices until they are crispy and then cut them, roughly the same size as the lettuce and cheese.
– Now for the burgers. Season your ground beef with whatever flavorings you like. I added some garlic powder, onion salt, worcestershire sauce and ground black pepper.
– Make little meatballs and flatten them to the same size as your breat cut outs. I put a little divet in them so that they don’t shrink too much when you cook them.
– Pan fry your mini burgers for a couple minutes on each side until they’re cooked the way you like.
– To assemble the Mini Burger Bites. Start with a bread (you can spread a little mayo on there if you like), then a couple of pieces of lettuce, a piece of bacon, the mini burger (I put a dash of BBQ sauce on mine), a slice of cheese, another piece of bread and top it off with a half cherry tomato.
– Stand the Mini Bacon Burger Skewers in a glass to serve them….cute aren’t they!
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